Saturday, September 25, 2010

Watching LSU football with Lauren. I think I want to start writing on here some more. I have a few ideas as far as creativity goes. Me and L painted some pictures last weekend, that was fun. I haven't picked up a guitar just yet, but I have listened to music. I am back to thinking about investing in some music making software. it is too easy now to trade pieces of sound with your friends. Easy to say, yes. Not so to get off my ass and do.

My job is a challenge, one which I relinquish( I would like to add here that a day removed from this blog I decided to actually check out the definition for the word "relinquish." It is only now that my sad ass realizes it means "To let go." I meant...embrace). There has been anxiety, but I feel like that is my learning curve. Keeping everything together. I have ideas for my library. I have planned some programming, but I need to keep this up. Part of me feels like I started too early, like I need to hold some ideas back. I am still learning the ins and outs of running a library. Things that should eventually take second nature: Scheduling, staying on top of policy, etc...
Some days I feel I have in 100%, other days, there is an uncertainty. But again, the challenge. I enjoy it. I may possibly start book club, wondering if I want to invest the time to read.
Currently reading some easy non fiction. Finished a great book called Tinker by Paul Harding. An old man is dying, and his the last few days of his life, his mind races through thoughts of his past, and that of is father and his father. His memories weave with theirs and is in an organic way, going from first to third person.
I want to read Jonothan Franzen's new book, but so do several of my patrons! That makes me happy, I want to get more books that these patrons like, build up a literary culture. I should put together a small survey for those that read modern literature, build a collection. Luckily we have a good collection development librarian, and our collection is sound. I think I may someday want to work as a liaison with different departments in an academic library. But I do enjoy working with the public.
So many aspects of this job I can improve on!

Running some, whatever, couple times a week. Rode my bike around campus tonight, listening to drunks yell and scream. It was scary really, there around state street where the meth heads dress like the frat boys. The look the same, but the light shows darkness within their faces. In like to get there 1000th beer. Spaces between their teeth. "Hey rider!" they yell. "Want a beer?" But are they talking to me, or each other? The invitation is false. Its for your lunch money in your pocket, you bike, you teeth and blood.
There were rumors of a group of meth heads down here who would think nothing of sticking a knife in your arm, and sucking its blood like vampires. My first year here they found two girls from Theta Alpha dead behind the Tiger Den Apartments. Their bodies looked like they were drained and stuffed with formaldehyde. They said there were no restraint marks on the girls, no abrasions. Just two small holes. This rumor came and was thrust into darkness two months later when LSU won the national championship game.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, that's really cool. My mom thinks that's a great idea too. You could probably get all that bad debt back at Brody Winters LCC. . The specialize in the trucking industry. Collections and transportation.
