Thursday, April 1, 2010


I can only count so high and so far back. Lately I have been sleepy in the morning, its probably something fatal. I feel rather fatal sometimes. Maybe its something I am doing to myself. Maybe my mind is not working right, there are certainly kinks. I suppose that is normal.
Things are missing.

In a dream I had the other night I was walking across a lake of ice. It was crystal clear and I could see deep into the ice. Inside the ice, about 15 feet down or so was what looked like the floor plan of a house. Where I looked down I could see a refrigerator, and a little bar with a few plates and drinks lined up or left out. In the sink was a pile of dirty pots and a colander; perhaps used for pasta. As I continued to walk I was over a living room, with a couch, an old Easy Boy recliner. I saw reflections of my youth, curled up in the tan colored recliner; in a ball. With a wool blanket over me. The ends of the blanket were I had braided the little pieces of wool rope that hung out the side for decoration. If I squatted in the right angle I could just make out what I was watching on television. As I glanced back down at myself, I had greatly aged, or I was not there at all anymore. The blanket and fallen off to reveal decrepit gray legs.
"Its not you." I looked up to notice a giant hawk standing on the frozen lake staring at me.

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