Tuesday, April 20, 2010

carbon rich

oh, all is lost tonight. All is gone. Minutes and hours of searching this website for pictures, only to be brought, thought after thought, from one site to another. OFten time on these quests for more information you find yourself going down one lost corridor to another. Each though represented by a vast collection of books. A library collection, with each stack, or bookshelf of books signifying just one aspect of that pre mentioned train of thought. Say the 900s for example. Lets say that that number specifies a thought on last night's dream? So therefore, of every book inside the, "900s" deal with dreams, but is also indexed according to as many subject headings can be placed on it. So, for example, last night's dream:

Placed sideways on a large iron pillar, my legs are shackled and held firm by a large chain fastened between two iron rings. My arms are tired down by a plastic sheet, and my head is free to move up and down. I am able to immediately begin to free myself from these restraints with unknown power. I feel strong, extremely strong. Yet, with this new sense of power, and it is extreme power, I also fill fear. The sky is black with extremely fast winds, there is lighting my its long, thick lighting. A giant sheet of blue...prolonged in the sky for periods of time that seem to grow larger with each flash. Larger...bigger. I am able to run with great speed due to my new powers, I am leaping over hills, mountains. Yet the speed at which the sky moves around itself, at some point churning up great dark green and black hurricanes, each in an ocean each in outer space.

So you can see with this dream there can be a number of subject headings: Dreams about powers, dreams about storms, dreams about fear, dream about hurricanes, etc...

Only to wake up within the dream. The test is real, the indexing and classifying of dreams within large shelves of cards and numbers, each representing a dream, and eaThat itself wrapped inside of mountains.

Ok...Off to bed. Good night.

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