Thursday, September 12, 2013

Burned out a little bit.  Hoping for a change of weather in the future.  Running through sweltering streets isn't really my idea of fun.  I built a structure in my yard which felt nice.  I mowed the lawn which felt average.
Yesterday I managed to run at dusk and though warm there were great colors in the sky as the sun faded and this lifted the spirit of my tired jog. 
Later I ventured out and bought some food.  I listened to kanye west's "Bound 2," a song previously rummaging through my brain earlier in the summer.  I was reminded of it again after watching him perform in on my computer.  Live.  Live on my computer. 
Lost a family member since last post.  Bought a house.  I think I might have tripped once or twice in my house at night, stumbling over loose shoes or perhaps boards left out for some forgotten project. 