Friday, February 19, 2010

It has been cold in Baton Rouge as well

I thought when I moved down here, the point was, besides getting a graduate degree, to get a bunch of warmth. A whole tonnage of warmth and relaxation. I can honestly say the first year was just that: Relaxing in the grass, reading over my textbooks...really just reading anything else. Building up my books read list. By the second year I had more official library "work," and now, well, I am officially a Librarian. So, in that affect, it all worked out.

To the extent of the weather, I have been cold most of this year's winter as well as last. This year it snowed a few times down here. I went to memphis, it snowed what seemed like forever there, and then I came home, bringing the chill inside of my bones I think.

I can not honestly believe or tell you that there will be a winter theme to this blog. I have started probably five or ten blogs in the last year all with ridiculously laughable names. I am not going to kid myself that "winterstare" or whatever is a good name at all. I just decided to stop being so neurotic about finding a name worth a shit and just go with it. I want to type, and I want you to read.

My sinus pressure is weakening, and I want to run today. I was training for a half marathon, but due to the fact that I can not take off any work time for a year (ok, I have two vacation days I can use. I used one already), I have decided to just continue training and running and see what happens. before my cold kicked in, I was on a good clip and running more than usual. So to that I say, I will continue to run.

Books I am reading:
Butcher's Crossing: John Williams (really enjoyed his book "Stoner," a "Academic" novel. I want to say this guy only wrote three or four novels. His book on one of the Ceasars earned him a pulitzer)

2666- Roberto Bolano (this book is seriously hyped right now, which made me not want to read it, but whatever, I missed out on the Sopranos and waited three years to see arrested development just because i was being contrary (though really I am proud of saying i have never seen sopranos, and also used this logic to never read harry pottter so there you go)).

Jorge Borges- Collections (I am enjoying this tons. Only reading here and there. The stores are short enough where you can pick up one and read it, then be done with it. Plan on reading all of this at some point.

1 comment:

  1. Williams won the National Book Award for Augustus not a Pulitzer.
