Monday, March 1, 2010

It was rough last night brother. Fell from one cold hardened steel black drop to another: Ice. Flailing my arms frantically, finding nothing to grip to. In other news I grilled two nice big ny strip steaks yesterday and a Habanero Red chilli pepper sausage: christ all mighty, amazing. Each bite more delicious than the last.

Every year I start thinking about vegetarianism. I think for the most part this is a diet remedy, something to keep my weight at a certain point. I don't eat a ton of meat to be sure, but when it hits, that hunger, it hits. And nothing really tempers that craving like sausage.

I bought a knife randomly. A utility knife that I can put in my pocket. with a clip.
This blog is uninspired.

I miss reading gary snyder on University Lakes. It was probably a year ago, or actually, fuck, two years ago. (I have been here over two years? I simply can not believe that. Part of me misses memphis so hard while another part of me wonders if I could ever live there again). Gary was talking some crazy shit about nature and the hills of northern california. I was able to set the book down and just watch as egrets poured out of their favorite tree, wings skipping along the water, casually landing, walking around like little white dinosaurs.
These birds are everywhere down here. Their little funny steps, awkwardly, esp. when they are hunting for a tiny fish. The unsurpassed attention to detailing the quite...tiny....steps.

I sometimes think "winter star" would have been a cooler title, or "winters are" anyway. It was warmer this last weekend, and thought I did not take a run for some reason, I did get outside.

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