Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sleep: Dopesmoker

Sleep book ended it my run today. I got the record in Pensacola and it has had a pretty sweet rotation since I got it. Until now I only had a burned disc I found on Napster in the late 90s/early 00s. Though I have no direct memory of discovering this band, my initial thoughts always turn to my cousin who always had a stronger grasp of this type of music than I did. It was in his bands "Children's Crusade," and "Who Killed Keyser Soze," that Luke got to travel the states from coast to coast; something my snobby little indie bands never got off their asses and did. Sleeping on couches, camping; he bought a piece of shit van that lasted him probably a little over a year. I have always been envious of him for doing this. One of the earliest memories I have of his first band was a house show. It was loud as fuck and I was extremely impressed with how sick Luke's band was. The place was packed. I remember near the back of this house was a cage with two iguanas in it. They were as far away from the music inside of the cage as they could be. I know I was drinking beer and a bag and at some point i spent some time in a small circle with a couple of people out in the parking lot. That is about as far as my memory goes.
Last two runs have been shorter than I wanted but under my average pace. Like running through a Faulkner novel set in Baton Rouge, slight fog, misty air cutting through live oaks and magnolia trees. I typically prefer running through sunshine and cold air but before I hit the three mile mark I was actually running at a good clip. The cigarettes have definitely taken their toll on my air tho. I will be trashing the remainder that I bought on a random parade day. I think sometimes you are supposed to give in to vices though, it makes you healthy. At times you have to do things just to do them, I believe in this fully. Be it gambling, drinking too much, getting in a fist fight (something I have yet to do, thank god). How else will you know? Rita at my works asks me if I want to hear how her second husband died again. "No, I know...its horrible," You have no idea, she says. I will stray from that...
So, the running appears fine.

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